Thursday, 8 October 2009


wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo wooo
Last weeks warning: Tsunami.... 1st: keep away from beaches
1hr later: keep away from beaches for the next hr.
2hrs later: erm... down graded but the waves going to be 45cm high (TSUNASMI) mmmm??? - shouldn't take the piss as it hit other places.

Warning 2: SNOW- worst storms of year supposindly tonight----- i'm going to get snowed in!!!! YEH at a smelly thermal spring, if i stay much longer i'll smell of farts forever!!!!!!!!!!!!

Warning 3- TSUNAMI- didn't really listen this time- is everyone ok?

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Sounds like NZ is being typically mental at you - glad your spirits still seem to be up. Make sure you wrap up and don't get ill, guys :)
