Thursday 26 November 2009

So now for my small world story. This evening we met up with a lad who i used to go to college with bout 8 years ago. Knew he was here and so on. So he was telling us that a couple of months ago he was really skint and that his mum had said that her mate who lives in Oz would put him up if he was ever in trouble. So he had to make this really awkward call to this woman he didn't know to ask for a free room for the night. He was on about this woman called Liz who is English but her husband is an Ozzy. Turns out its Kev's mum. It just clicked when he mentioned his mums friend who had been here couple of years who was called Liz and I presumed she was from GY.


  1. Mental - will give Kev a nudge and let him know.

  2. There are many ways it is a small world, I thought i knew no-one in the audience on the thursday night of the panto how wrong i was!!! Merry christmas and happy new year to you both. lots of love from Ros xxx
