Tuesday, 1 September 2009


Hot, smell, mad, busy, chaotic, dirty, wet, humid, awful- hot, impressive, great, interesting, huge.
So I'm not sure hwether I love it or hate it at the minute. It is like any huge city on the surface. There are the usual designer shopping centres, the inbetween ones with NEXT and the body shop and then there is the MBK centre which is huge with about 7 floors but which is set out like market stalls. Bangkok is mostly high rise but is sprinkled with Wats which are extreamly decorative temples whcih are amazing. The road we initially stayed on was a typical main road but with a sky train running through which hid the sunlight and held in the pollution it makes the whole area seem dirty and dodgy. We stayed just of the Sukhumvit road area which is near the sex tourist bit. It's like amsterdam but more open an ellicit.
The food in Bankok is excellent, we have been eating from street vendors which are extreamly cheap and tasty- lots of noodles and rice. They seem to have a local obsession with condensed milk though.
We have walked quite a distance in BK but it gets really hot and sticky. Have taken a tuk tuk a few times which is like risking your life for no reason and taxi's which are really cheap.
What has made me laugh is the lack of variety in shops- like I said earlier there is next and body shop and I can put up with these but then I saw a HUGE - bigger than the one a home- HUGE TESCO's .,..........Bye


  1. Ahh, yes, but... CAN YOU BUY MARMITE??

    Jealousy abounds here in Blighty. Glad you're enjoying Bangkok so much though. More photos, dammit!

  2. I Love condensed milk. Yum. Have you found Macdonalds yet?
    Sam x
